I am merely trying to converse with what lies before my retina, alongside the sound, and within the touch.
Could this not be a dialogue, but rather a kind of communication—a magical phenomenon, perhaps?

 classic palm, coin vanishing, 2024

The coin disappeared, reappeared.
This is magic trick, called a classic palm. Witnesses who watched the disappearance of the coin do not believe that the coin is vanished, but believe in the interest and inspiration in the deception's causality.

candle research, 2024

conversation with (  ), 2024

Discussing a model for creating structures that must hold together without the use of glue or screws.

A knife left after peeling fruit and forks still damp from contact with lips remain as the family leaves. Quietly. A scene ofcoincidence balance, where objects align and support each other; a scene disrupted by an uneven gradation, and a conversation with the grandfather left isolated outside the frame.

What is a structure supported once again by each other's gravity?